Wednesday, 28 December 2011
SYPA 2012 23:45

Hey NYPPCians!!

I'm sure almost all of you have heard about the Singapore Young Photographer Award 2012 (SYPA 2012).

City Developments Limited (CDL) will be organising a photography workshop for students aged 18-25 years old sometime in March.

Will update you guys when the date is confirmed.

If you're interested in the SYPA, here's the link!!

Do consider (:


Branca Poon


Sunday, 24 April 2011
Welcome new members! 03:00

Welcome new members!

Thanks for joining us during club crawl! Keep your eyes peeled (here, facebook and your emails) for our very first event of the year for you guys in the coming weeks.

If you've not already, like our page on facebook here!

For all those that missed out joining in clubcrawl, you can fill up this form here to join.
If you have further enquiries regarding our club, do email us at

See you guys soon!

Kiat Yi
Vice President

Thursday, 31 March 2011
Photographers Needed! 23:21

Hi all!

Anyone interested and free to be able to take pictures for a Floorball competition this coming Sunday, 3rd April?

Details are as follows:
  • Time and Date: 3rd April, 8.45am
  • Location: RP sports complex, Multi purpose hall. (Level 1, with aircon).
  • Ends at: 10.30am, estimated

Requirements for this event is to have a dSLR, and Prosumer Digital Cameras, since you'll need the speed to capture the speed of the event. dSLR users have priority. We're looking for 3 photographers to help cover the event!

Please reply by 1st April, Friday, whether you would like to take part! Remember, first come, first serve! =D

Jonathan Siow

Monday, 28 March 2011
D'Camp Photographer Found 15:54

Hi all,

we've found our photographer for D'Camp already. Thank you for participating!

Jonathan Siow

Photographers Needed! 15:11

Hey NYPPCians!

how have holidays been? Anyways, we are looking for ONE photographer to help out with D'Camp, an upcoming camp from the 31st March to 2nd April. The camp will be held in school, and it's attendees are potential student leaders.

Plus, it will be an overnight camp, so we require that photographer to be able to stay overnight throughout the camp itself. The photographer will join an already selected and volunteered group of 4 photographers that will also be taking photos for D'Camp.

Criteria for the photographer:
1. Owns a dSLR
2. Stay overnight throughout camp
3. Stay throughout 3 days.

Reply ASAP to get the position! :D

Jonathan Siow

Monday, 17 January 2011
Floorball Competition 22:26

Hey NYPPCians!

We need photographers on Wednesday for a floorball match between NYP and ITE.

The match will be held at Republic Poly, and we need around 2 photographers to help cover the event. It starts at 6pm.

E-mail us at if you are interested! E-mail by tomorrow, 18.01.11, by 6pm.

Jonathan Siow

Sunday, 16 January 2011
Lex Voir Consert Update 00:39

Hey NYPPCians!

Just an update, Joan, one of us, has responded to the Lex Voir Consert by Voice Ensemble, and will hence be covering for the event! Thank you Joan!

Jonathan Siow

Friday, 14 January 2011
Fun Outing Update! 23:57

Hey NYPPCians!

Here's an update regarding Fun Outing.... People have confirmed their attendance for the fun outing!!! WHOOHOO!

So far, 12 people have confirmed their attendance for the outing already! So, come and join us, and make that number 40!

Jonathan Siow

Thursday, 13 January 2011
Photography Event 10:35

There'll be an event by the NYP Voice Ensemble to shoot for their event. Details are as below:

Event: Lex Voix ’11
Date: 18th March 2011
Time: 7pm
Venue: NYP Theatre For the Arts
No. of photographer needed: 1

Send in ur name, admin no. and contact no. to sign up.


Sunday, 9 January 2011
Fun Outing! 22:11

HEY NYPPCians!!!!

How has everyone been???? Exams coming, so stress coming already right???? Don't worry, we have come out with a solution for you to de-stress...

We're organising a fun outing to Marina Barage! WOOHOO!

The difference between this outing from other outings, is that the main purpose isn't about taking pictures, it's gonna be more about bonding together and having fun. So, that means we'll be having an awesome time with games, running around, flying kites, makan like nobody's business, and de-stress. :D

Here are the details:

When: 22nd Jan 2011 (Saturday)

Where: Marina Barrage

Time: 1:30PM - 7:00PM

Attire: Casual

This outing however, will be limited to 40 people only. So remember to reply this e-mail fast if you wanna come along! Reason behind it is coz, if all of us were to come down to Marina Barage, there's a chance that we will put too much weight onto Marina Barage, and it will collapse...

Just kidding... XD

Do reply us your attendance by 19th January 2011, Wednesday, to our e-mail:

Things to bring

● Picnic mat <- Compulsory

● Kite (Optional)

● Camera

● Tripod

● Water bottle with drinks

● Shades

● Sunblock

● Umbrella

● Student Card and NYP Student Pass EZ-Link Card <- Compulsory

● Money

● Plastic bags

As for food, could you reply us whether you would like us to provide the food for you all, or would you all like to bring your own food along? Like snacks, pasta, popcorn, sandwiches, etc. Do note that if we provide the food for you all, you will have to contribute a certain sum of money as well.

See ya there!


Jonathan Siow


Photography Club

Friday, 7 January 2011
Chingay Parade Singapore 2011 22:50

Hi All this is from SA Office!

Chingay Parade Singapore 2011 is coming soon and the People’s Association Youth Movement (PAYM) is now recruiting performers for its very own Hip Hop dance contingent!

Bonding Youth, Celebrating Diversity of Life @ Chingay Parade Singapore 2011
Chingay Parade Singapore 2011 will be held on 11 and 12 February 2011 and will see a total of 6 performing segments, at the Pit Building.

Passionate Youth
PAYM will be forming a Hip Hop dance contingent titled ‘Passionate Youth’, comprising of 3,000 energetic youths for the grand finale segment for Chingay Parade Singapore 2011. These 3,000 youths will attempt to dance their way into the Guinness World Record and Singapore Book of Records and set the performing area ablaze with their heart-pumping Hip Hop dance moves!

· Trainings: 10th 11th 12th 17th 20th 24th 27th Jan 2011 @ NYP from 7 – 10pm

· Combined Rehearsal : 13th Jan 2011 @ F1 Pit Building from 7 – 10pm

· Combined Rehearsal : 15th Jan 2011 @ F1 Pit Building from 3 – 10pm

· Full Dress Rehearsal : 22nd Jan 2011 @ @ F1 Pit Building from 4 – 10pm

· Dry Run! : 10th Feb 2011 @ F1 Pit Building from10am – 10pm

· Chingay Parade 1 : 11th Feb 2011 @ F1 Pit Building

· Chingay Parade 2 : 12th Feb 2011 @ F1 Pit Building

On behalf of NYP Student Affairs Office, we seek your cooperation in recruiting your members to support and join in this exciting experience! We are looking for 500 students to make up one contingent to participate in the parade. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

1. To register, please fill up the ONLINE FORM [] by Sunday, 9 January 2011.

For any enquiries, please contact: **IN-CHARGE: RANDY SNG (91909083)**

Kiat Yi

Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Photographers Needed 00:16

Hey NYPPCians!

We need photographers to help cover an event by the NYP Guitar Club (NYPGC), on the 23rd December.

We will be covering their concert on that day. It will be in NYP's Theater for the Arts, and we'll start shooting from afternoon to sometime around 9pm.

Do e-mail us at, if you are interested, and also to find out more details about the event.

Jonathan Siow

Thursday, 16 December 2010
Photographers Needed! 21:23

Hey NYPPCians!!

We're looking for photographers to help shoot for an SEG event on the 20th December 2010.

The venue for it will be at an old folks' home, time from 12pm to 3pm. You all will be meeting up in school first, where a bus will be sending everyone to the old folks' home.

E-mail us at, if you are interested for more details!

Jonathan Siow


Hey NYPPCians!

Have you soaked in to the festive mood yet? If you haven't noticed, CHRISTMAS IS COMING!

As such, we're organising an outing to Orchard Road, to take the Christmas Lights that adorn the area! Excited???

Here are the details:

Date: 18/12/10, Saturday

Time: Meet at 6.30pm

Venue: Orchard MRT Station, ION exit

Equipment to bring: Tripod (Compulsory, if you have), Camera, and Yourself

Reply us your attendance by Friday, 11.59pm.

Jonathan Siow

Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Photographers needed! 14:41

Hey NYPPCians!!!

We're in need of photographers for an event this Saturday (11/12) at school!! Interested????

Ambassadorial Team is holding a X'mas party in NYP this Saturday, and they are looking for 2 photographers to help them cover the event.

Details are as followed:
Date and Time: 11/12/10, Saturday, 6pm to 10pm
Venue: E.308, NYP

Do let me know if you can shoot for the event by 9pm, today (8/12/10), via e-mail at:

Merry X'mas!!
Jonathan Siow

Thursday, 25 November 2010
Photography Event 19:55

Hello there,

There's an event coming up this Wednesday (1st Dec). The details are as below:

Event name: Student Tutor Certificate Ceremony
Time: 3 - 6pm
Venue: LTQ7
Photographers needed: 2

Sign up now before 29th November 2010 (12am). Send ur name and admin no. to our email.


Monday, 15 November 2010
Camp Briefing 23:56

Hey NYPPCians!
just to let you know, we're having a camp briefing tomorrow, 16.11.10, at our studio, E411.

For those attending, please bring along $15 for the camp fee.

Last but not least, for those who are still undecided about coming to camp, JOIN US! This briefing will be your last chance to join the camp before it starts next Friday!

See ya
Jonathan Siow

Thursday, 11 November 2010
NYPCO Concert 22:41

Hey NYPPCians!

we're looking for photographers to help shoot for NYP Chinese Orchestra concert at the Esplanade, on the 12th December 2010. Time will be from 11.00am to 2.30pm.

Do send an e-mail to if you are interested, and do so by 11.59am, 12/11/2010, as we have to confirm the number of photographers at that time.

Remember, first come, first serve! =)

Jonathan Siow

Sunday, 7 November 2010
CAMP 2010!! 23:26

HEY NYPPCians!!!

Ok, some details I can release to you all is that it will start on 26th November, evening, and end on 28th November, afternoon! So, 3 days and 2 nights in school!!!! Mark it down on your calenders!!!

We'll be having interesting workshops, playing fun and exciting games, and having loads of fun!!!!

Do let us know whether you will be attending the camp by 9th November, Tuesday via

Jonathan Siow

Photography Event 20:35

Hello there,

There's an event coming up this Wednesday (10th November) organized by School of Engineering. The event details are as below:

Event name: Fear Factor the Return
Date: 10th November 2010
Time: 3.30 - 6.30pm (Report time at 3.15pm)
Number of photographers needed: 3

So, sign up now by email us ur name and admin no. before 9th November 2010 (12am). CCA points will be awarded.


Note Us!

Find Us!

.:NYP Photography Club:.

NYPPC Facebook Page

Join Us!

How to join?
It's not too late to join us! You just have to send a email to us, saying u wanna join us.

Remember to add in ur own particulars...

- Name
- Date of birth
- Admin number
- School (eg. SBM)
- Handphone number
- Email (the one u want us to send information abt outings etc to)

We'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Do you need a camera? Unfortunately, yes. You need you own camera. It don't have to be a DSLR. A compact camera will do. Even your handphone camera can be used!

Photographers Needed?

If you need photographers for your events, you can drop us the Request Event form which is avaliable at Block E Level 4, NYP Photography Club Room.
Please inform us at least TWO WEEKS prior to the event so that we have sufficient time to make arrangements.

The form will be at the doorstep itself, fill it up and drop into the box.

Thank you!

Our Interests

Capturing life with our hands and eyes