Thursday, 29 May 2008
Positioning your image 20:57

Hi guys, hope the review session gave you some insights to what a review session may be like. In order for future review sessions to be more interactive, it would be great if everyone will start shooting MORE! Be it on a fieldtrip we organise or on your personal outing, feel free to share them during the review session. In that way, it will make things more interactive and fun! And certainly, I believe that all of us will get to learn more from each other. After all, we each have our own style of taking pictures. To those that have bravely come up to share your your personal thoughts of your picture, I believe that it has been an encouragement to many, and I hope many more will come foward to share. Great to see many of you guys staying back to have fun as well as getting to know others and tools of the trade better! Hope that in the time to come, many more will be as interactive as you guys. =D

During the review session, I believe that someone actually asked about positioning your image(subject) so that it will be parallel to the side of the picture. From my point of view, I feel that it is a good way of taking a picture. Who says pictures have to be straight all the time right? ha. Personally, I love taking pictures differently from many. I prefer my pictures to have a little slant, depending on what picture it is. It doesn't have to be parallel all the time. Just a slight slant in angle will give you a different perspective when looking at a picture.

Here's some examples of what has been asked. Note that the side(left/right) of the image is made parallel with the subject in mind.

Should you guys have any questions feel free to foward them to me. =D I'm not that a pro but I'll help with whatever knowledge I've learnt from others. Do email/msn me at

Have fun shooting!
Justin Kon
Justin Kon Photography

Sunday, 25 May 2008
1st Review session Yr 08/09 20:35

Hi guys, it's been quite sometime since we last met many of you guys. For all ye serious enthusiast of the thing known as photography, we are having our first review session for you guys this coming wednesday. The details are as follows:

Date: 28th May 2008 (Wednesday)
Time: 3.00pm to 6.00pm
Venue: E308

I believe our purpose of this upcoming session would be to review what you guys have taken at our first outing to kallang stadium as well as any other interesting pictures you have to share with the rest of the club. For those who haven't sent us your pictures via email, please do drop them to us asap. And if you're gonna share other pictures out of the outing, do drop us an email as well, with the topic 'Pictures for Review Session'

For those who do not know, our review session is compulsory and we hope everyone will be able to attend. Please be puntual so that we can start on time. Help us and yourselves make this session a more interesting and meaningful one by sharing your pictures with us. Feel free to bring your own pictures(hard/softcopy), or perhaps your laptop so that you can share them in smaller groups. And to those that have been shooting in some of the latest events like the ISG Track & Field Championships or at the Jam & Hop 2008, we hope that you could bring down some of your best pictures(softcopy) to share with the rest!

Hope to see you guys there!

Justin Kon
Justin Kon Photography

Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Sport Competition 01:23

Hi to all club mates.

If you got nothing better to do, please come down to the school field to grap some photos. There is a small photo competition to capture the best moment in this sport event. You need not own fast camera, but we will judge it according to the camera you use too ( Mainly DSLR and Compact ).
There will be 3 prizes given.

Photos must be send in to the club email in 1 week time. (
Photos must have at least a short description on it.
You can create your own title.

Do not take other photographer's photo
Only normal editing ( Cropping, level, contrast)
No heavy photoshop

This is to challange you to capture the best sport moment. It can be anything, even the crowd around.
If not sure, may contact Augustine @ 90622922

NYPPC President

Here are some details for the sports events. Do feel free to look up for more details.

day 1, 14 may 08
1530hrs 100m men heats
1530hrs 100m women heats

1545hrs discus women final
1545hrs discus men final
1545hrs high jump women final
1545hrs high jump men final
1545hrs 200m women heats
1545hrs 200m men heats

1600hrs 800m men final
1600hrs 800m women final

1645hrs shot put women final
1645hrs shot put men final
1645hrs 200m men final
1645hrs 200m women final

1715hrs 3000m women final

1730hrs 400m women heats
1730hrs 400m men heats

Sunday, 11 May 2008
Kallang Stadium Outing 10.05.08 00:19

Had fun today guys? I know some of you felt that the outing was crap, boring, nothing to shoot etc etc. But, stop and think about what photography really is. Or perhaps what was your initial reason to join the club? I certainly do not believe that there's such a thing as nothing to shoot because photography is all about looking at your own perspective of looking at things and not how things are gonna look at you. The weather was certainly in favour of us. It was neither too hot nor did it rain heavily.

I just hope that everyone will be able to actively participate in the following events that are coming as well as our review session which is compulsory for all. I believe that this will tell us who our active and serious members are.

To all those that have shown their optimistic attitude today, thank you so much. It really is an encouragement for our committee members.

Thank you all so much once again, and we hope to see you at our upcoming events, and perhaps this coming wednesday at the stadium where YOU guys will be shooting for a sports event!

Yours Truely,
Justin Kon Photography

Wednesday, 7 May 2008
NYPPC's Photography Exhibition & Orientation 20:28

Hi everyone, Justin here. For those who know me HI! For those who do not know me, Hi there as well. If you haven't found your way to my flickr to recap what had happened that day, here it goes...

Do view more here!

For any further enquiries, pls foward them to
Feel free to add me too if you are a pretty gal. ha. Just kidding. anyone can add me. =D

Tuesday, 6 May 2008
1st Outing @ Kallang Stadium 13:03

We will be having our very first outing at Singapore National Stadium. Please try to make it for the first outing as we will have a small chat on what is going on to our club for the next 12 months.

Meet up place: Kallng MRT Station. And to those that are able to stop directly at the stadium, meet us at 10am.

Date: 10 May 2008 Saturday

Time: 930am

Dress code: Slipper can already. Casual wear would do.

Things to bring:
1. Any form of item that is able to capture moments
2. 1 Gallon of water
3. Sunblock, if you're afraid of the heat
4. Umbrella, in case it rains

And we will have a walk towards the stadium. For those who have bus straight to the stadium, please meet us at the main entrance at 10am. (Do not go to the wrong one. =D If you see no one there, it's time to give us a call.) Call augustine at 90622922.

Please note that your punctuality is appreciated. We will only be giving a grace of 10mins after the time stated. Thank you very much for you cooperation.

With regards,
Justin Kon

Saturday, 3 May 2008
"Singapore My Home - Celebrating the Singapore Spirit" Photography Competition 18:05

For those who are interested. Its a good chance to win a D300!!!
Link taken from


For unregister members 02:53

OK, for those who like to join the club, we are looking foward for you too!!!
Just drop us a email with your:
Name, admin no., school, contact number.
We are looking into everybody and every single personal seriously.
Outing date and meet up will be finalise on coming sunday.
Stay tune in the blog


Thursday, 1 May 2008
2nd ASEAN+3 Youth Festival 18:50

Capture Nature is an annual environmental digital photography competition initiated by a group of students from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Started in 2007, the event allows the passion youths have for photography to be channelled towards environmental awareness, conservation and action. This year, the competition will be held in conjunction with the ASEAN+3 Youth Festival, a youth-for-youth initiative supported by the National Youth Council, Singapore.

The theme of this competition is "Global Warming". Citizens or Permanent Residents from ASEAN + 3 countries who are aged between 18 and 25 are eligible to participate.

This environmental digital photography competition is initiated to allow youths to learn about environmental issues through experiential learning. The objectives of this competition are:
a. Promote better understanding about the current environmental situations of ASEAN+3 countries and in turn promote better understanding among the youth of ASEAN nations through photo taking,
b. Provide a catalyst to spark an interest in participating in environmental activities by exposing youth to the nature and
c. Educate youths on the impact of global warming.

Pls refer to the website for more details on the competition and the rules and regulations. The application form is also downloadable from:
Should you have any queries or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Re 30 April 2008 03:50

1.Thanks to all who come the day before to setup and the day it self to help up!!!

2.A big sorry to all new members that we don't have a mike prepare and we also din expect such a big crowd

3.We really hope that you guys will stay on for our up coming outing and event planned for you.

1. For ALL nyp student who still like to join the photography club, you may send us an email at and visit our nyp blog weekly.
2.The coming outing/meet up will be posted and update through email and blog by coming sunday.
3.We hope that you could create a flickr account and upload your photos there. We have a NYPPC group in flickr account.
4.Feel free to ask any question by email, blog tag board or even my personal email( or sms.


Note Us!

Find Us!

.:NYP Photography Club:.

NYPPC Facebook Page

Join Us!

How to join?
It's not too late to join us! You just have to send a email to us, saying u wanna join us.

Remember to add in ur own particulars...

- Name
- Date of birth
- Admin number
- School (eg. SBM)
- Handphone number
- Email (the one u want us to send information abt outings etc to)

We'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Do you need a camera? Unfortunately, yes. You need you own camera. It don't have to be a DSLR. A compact camera will do. Even your handphone camera can be used!

Photographers Needed?

If you need photographers for your events, you can drop us the Request Event form which is avaliable at Block E Level 4, NYP Photography Club Room.
Please inform us at least TWO WEEKS prior to the event so that we have sufficient time to make arrangements.

The form will be at the doorstep itself, fill it up and drop into the box.

Thank you!

Our Interests

Capturing life with our hands and eyes