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Thursday, 23 July 2009
Event Update
23:42 Details of event: Event Name: A-Team Day Date: 31st July 09 Day: Friday Time: 6pm - 9pm (set-up at 5pm) It their 14th birthday celebration and they need our help to shoot this wonderful event :) Interested people please sign up thru my mail @ by this SATURDAY! LIMITED SPACE!!! EugeneCS ![]()
23:11 Hello guys and girls! The forum is ready as promise. I know its a little bit late but yar. Heres the URL:- Once in...please register with YourName_AdminNo Everyone has to sign up. Thanks The forum will serve each and everyone of us a discussion place. So Please do not abuse! It will also serve as the club newsletter. So if everyone of you all sign up. You all shouldnt have a problem receiving emails from us. As for the tagboard, it will be there for a few more days before it will be gone. =)) regards, Haziq (Events Department) ![]() Tuesday, 21 July 2009
19:14 ![]()
Change of time for SAT workshop
01:34 To all members , Do note that there will be a change in the timing for Austine workshop on 25 July 2009 The new timing will be form 10.30 am to 1.00pm The location will still be the same at E317 Topic cover include: Basic photography · Introduction of camera · Basic rules of taking a picture · Basic setting of a camera Advance photography · Shooting style · DOF · WB · ASM mode Do reply to this mail if you can make it on the new timing . Sorry for the inconvenience cause, hope to hear form all of you all soon. Best regards , Wee Leong , president ![]() Friday, 17 July 2009
23:42 NYPPC General Meeting Date: Wednesday 22nd July 2009 Time: 1600hrs - 1800hrs Venue: Block Q, Lecture Theatre 7 (LTQ7) Its an important meeting so ALL of you MUST attend. Its not a workshop anymore. We have something important to tell you guys. Bring along writing materials. Attendance is compulsory. Those who fail to attend MUST provide us with at VALID reason. Thanks, EugenCS Wednesday, 15 July 2009
National Day event
23:18 Date: 29th July 09 (Wednesday) Venue: Atrium Time: 12pm to 3.30pm Highlights of the day Free flow of popcorns and candy floss Free flag tattoo stickers You are encouraged to wear red or white top for 29th July! There will be competitions between clubs as well as performances on that day. It is also a chance for all of the clubs to interact with one another. I really need the support from you all and would really appreciate if all of you can turn up for the event! Those who want to be there as event photographers, please mail me your particulars! We need a lot! Name, Admin No, Contact No, School What I mean by school is NOT NYP!! -.- Like for eg SBM, SIT, SIDM etc etc EugeneCS Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Photo competition
22:49 Hi ppl, Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) provides 24-hour emotional support by trained volunteers to people in crisis, thinking of suicide or affected by suicide. Everyday, 1 person in Singapore dies by suicide. As part of the SOS Suicide Awareness Week 2009 and World Suicide Prevention Day on Sept 10, SOS is organising a photography contest & exhibition titled Life Caring Moments Capture special moments in everyday life that reflect empathy, understanding and care, and send them to SOS, Blk 10, Cantonment Close, #01-01, Singapore 080010. Winning photos ($3,000, $2,000 and $1,000 for first to third prizes respectively) and selected entries will be exhibited at VivoCity during the Suicide Awareness Week from Sept 7 to 13, 2009. Closing date for photography contest is July 31, 2009. For more information, please visit Do feel free to forward this message to your friends, colleagues & contacts, and help raise awareness of the issue of suicide. TAKE PART AND HAVE FUN!!! :D EugeneCS Monday, 13 July 2009
22:12 EugeneCS ![]()
Augustine Cheong Workshop
18:59 Dear Members, Augustine will give a workshop for all the members and student/staff in NYP. Below are the details for the workshop: Date :25 July 2009 Location : NYP Block :E Room :317 Time : 0900 to 1200 What will be taught in the workshop:
Please reply the email sent to you to club mail. Theres an error in the mail sent, NOT to jialei or felecia but TO THE CLUB MAIL. Thanks :) EugeneCS ![]()
NYP Biathlon & H2O Futsal Challenge
18:46 Dear Student Leaders, You may have read about this event in newspaper. NYP in collaboration with H-TWO-O, will be organising two events in NYP Campus on 18th July 09. They are: NYP Biathlon Futsal (soccer) NYP Biathlon NYP Biathlon will be organised by our very own NYP Adventure Club. With that, we have manage to pursuade H-TWO-O to provide special rate for all our NYP Students and thus each participants will be required to pay only $5 to take part in the Biathlon. The race discipline includes: 400m Swim & 4km Run. The race categories are: Male Individual Female Individual Mixed Relay (one to swim and the other to run) For registration, forms are available at Student Affairs Office. Students may print (as provided in this email) or collect the registration forms from SA office. Payment can be made through NETS at the SA office counter. Should you like to race against a bigger field of biathletes, you may choose to take part in the Open categories. Cost for Youth (under 21) and Open (Above 21) is $20 per person. Registration and payment can be done through Your siblings or friends who are not current NYP students or staff may take part in the open category. FUTSAL For Futsal, it will cost $20 per person for a team of five. There is no special rate for NYP students as the event is run by an events management company. Registration can be made through Goodie Bags Goodie bags will be provided for all who have sign up, be it NYP or Open to public categories. NYP students who take part in NYP Biathlon (NYP category) will also be entitled to NYP Biathlon events' T-shirt. Winners can expect to win attractive prizes. Enclose are the Race registration form for NYP Biathlon (NYP staff and students only), Biathlon race manual and Posters for NYP Staff and students. We will appreciate if you can assist to encourage your members or your family members to take part in th event. Our Senior, Augustine is going down to shoot sport photos, interested parties can join him :) EugeneCS ![]() Friday, 10 July 2009
20:24 Hi people. There is some slight changes to the Frisbee Carnival. The event will be pushed back to 22 Jul 2009. Time and Venue remains the same. Please send a confirmation mail to and tell me if you are still shooting. Prefer DSLR users cheers EugeneCS ![]() Thursday, 9 July 2009
Event Update
12:42 Hey people! PAL is looking for 3 photographers who can shoot a Jeff Wang Campus Concert on 16th Jul 2009. Location @ TFA. Time :5-8pm Sign up by sending your particulars to, by this Sunday, 12th Jul 09 EugeneCS ![]() Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Events Update
21:15 There would be a national day event held on the 29th July 09 and the SU people need our help to get a few photographers from the club to shoot pictures on the actual day. It is for NYP, as well as, for Singapore as a montage would be made from the pictures taken on 29th July 09 and send to national day website. Reply this post to to sign up by this week ,Sunday (12th July 09) EugeneCS VP NYPPC
21:12 July Outing: Botanical Gardens Meet Up place 1 Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station Time: 7.30AM Date: 12 july 2009, Sunday Meet Up place 2 Tanglin Gate Time: 8AM Date: 12 july 2009, Sunday Note: Attendance is taken, those who have been missing without valid reasons please turn up for this, otherwise you will be excluded from our future club outings. -EugeneCS ![]()
Invitation to Join AdExcel's I'm Different Photography Contest
10:18 Invitation to Join AdExcel's I'm Different Photography Contest Reference is made to the above captioned matter. AdExcel is a social advertising company with its fondation built based on a combination of two concepts –'s social group and Adsense's advertising features. We would like to invite you to join our photography contest, “I'm Different”. 10 iPod Shuffles are to be given out, at the rate of one per week for 10 weeks continuously! Top 3 winners will also have their Personal Advertising Network exclusively designed by our in-house designer. All you have to do is to complete the 3 simple tasks below to stand a chance to win, Task 1, Write a simple slogan on “How AdExcel is different to you” in not more than 25 words. Task 2, Answer a simple question on “What makes you different” in not more than 25 words. Task 3, Take a photo/video of you with at least one friend at your city's most prominent landmark holding signages saying “I'm Different” and “” We are looking forward for your active participation in this competition. Do join as soon as possible before the prizes are given out, as good things don't last long! Kindly refer to the following site for this contest and AdExcel, and don't hesitate to contact us at AdExcel main page, I'm Different Contest Page, ![]() |
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How to join? It's not too late to join us! You just have to send a email to us, saying u wanna join us. Remember to add in ur own particulars... - Name - Date of birth - Admin number - School (eg. SBM) - Handphone number - Email (the one u want us to send information abt outings etc to) We'll get back to you as soon as possible! Do you need a camera? Unfortunately, yes. You need you own camera. It don't have to be a DSLR. A compact camera will do. Even your handphone camera can be used!
Photographers Needed? If you need photographers for your events, you can drop us the Request Event form which is avaliable at Block E Level 4, NYP Photography Club Room. Please inform us at least TWO WEEKS prior to the event so that we have sufficient time to make arrangements. The form will be at the doorstep itself, fill it up and drop into the box. Thank you! Our Interests Capturing life with our hands and eyes |