Thursday, 29 October 2009
Event Update 16:08

Event: Halloween Party by NYP Ambassadorial Team
Time: 7pm-11pm
Date: 31 Oct 2009
Venue: Blk Q Lvl 1

Anyone interested?
Mail me your particulars :D

Happy Halloween!


Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Event update 22:36

Event Name : Hospitality Club Sports Day
Date : 4 November 09
Time : 1400 - 1730
Venue : Hockey Pitch & Basketball Court
Photographers needed: 3

Please get back to me ASAP.


Thursday, 15 October 2009
Event Updates 21:12

Piano Ensemble Club

Date: 23 October
Time: 7pm - 9pm.
Venue will be at TFA.

Reply to me by this week for participating on this. Thanks!


Wednesday, 14 October 2009
HDB Photography Competition 22:02

Photo Competition!!!

The HDB photography competition themed "24 Seven HeartlanD Beats" has been running for the past 3 months and the entry will close on 31 Oct 2009. The photography competition is open to all Citizens and Permanent Residents of Singaporeans which includes Open and Youth (Age 18 and below) categories.

Through this photography competition, we hope to achieve the following:

i) engage participation from residents in celebrating the achievements of our public housing programme;

ii) create an opportunity for residents to share through their lenses their experience of living in the HDB heartlands; and

iii) showcase the winning entries across Singapore at the Community Celebrations held between Mar 2010 to Jul 2010

For more information, please log on to


Do give it a shot.

Li Yan

Monday, 12 October 2009
This blog is not dead 20:44

Event Update

HELLO PPL!! Hope you guys enjoyed your holidays and DID shoot a lot! :)
Ok here are events for you to participate, learn and grow.

Water Polo and Swimming Competition.
Water Polo:
Date: 19, 20, 21 and 23 Oct
Time: 5pm, 5pm, 7pm and 5pm respectively
Venue: Temasek Polytechnic
Date: 31 Oct & 1 Nov
Time: 1pm and 10am respectively
Venue: Singapore Sports School

Mail me your particulars by Sat, you know the drills.
Cya! :D


Note Us!

Find Us!

.:NYP Photography Club:.

NYPPC Facebook Page

Join Us!

How to join?
It's not too late to join us! You just have to send a email to us, saying u wanna join us.

Remember to add in ur own particulars...

- Name
- Date of birth
- Admin number
- School (eg. SBM)
- Handphone number
- Email (the one u want us to send information abt outings etc to)

We'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Do you need a camera? Unfortunately, yes. You need you own camera. It don't have to be a DSLR. A compact camera will do. Even your handphone camera can be used!

Photographers Needed?

If you need photographers for your events, you can drop us the Request Event form which is avaliable at Block E Level 4, NYP Photography Club Room.
Please inform us at least TWO WEEKS prior to the event so that we have sufficient time to make arrangements.

The form will be at the doorstep itself, fill it up and drop into the box.

Thank you!

Our Interests

Capturing life with our hands and eyes